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TalkTablet - Autism Speech AAC
Award winning TalkTablet is the only fullyfeatured symbols-based AAC app that is avaible for iOS, Android,Windows and Kindle devices...with the ability to share buttons andpages between platforms. This version is for Android devices only.It will also work certain Google Chromebooks.QUESTIONS? Speak to REAL people at 866-487-1006To see a feature comparison chart of AAC/speech apps... visitwww.TalkTablet.comTalkTablet® is a fully-featured AAC speech/communication solutionfor people who have difficulty communicating as a result of autism,aphasia, Down Syndrome, stroke, laryngectomy or any other conditionthat affects a persons ability to communicate effectively. NOW withfully customizable PoP-Up pages!!TalkTablet is developed by Gus Communication Devices, a leader inspeech software for over 25 years. First released in 2012,TalkTablet has become the premier, reasonably priced, Augmentativeand Alternative Communication (AAC) solution for children andadults with autism, aphasia, Rett Syndrome, Down syndrome,developmental disabilities, apraxia, stroke, or traumatic braininjury.Simplicity by Design• Speak by touching buttons that contain predefined words orphrases• Add random text to phrases using the embedded on-screenkeyboard* Includes over 30,000+ Symbolstix symbols, the most in theindustryChoose one of the included vocabularies and start communicatingtoday!• TalkTablet includes NINE (9) SLP designed starter vocabulariesthat offer 16 to 48 buttons/page.OR create a new vocabulary of your own designExpand your pages along with the user's progression• Each grid size (buttons/page) can be increased or decreased atany time to suit your needs• Transition to literacy with word predictionEASY, EASY customization• Add buttons, pages, or new vocabularies in a flash. The mostintuitive AAC app available today.• Choose from over 30,000 SymbolStix™ symbols (worlds largest AAClibrary), or take photos with the camera, use photos from youralbum, or add Google images to your buttons• Create unlimited user vocabularies from a single app• Change color, font, borders, backgrounds and more on each buttonor page• Buttons can be made invisible, dimmed or normal• Move buttons by simply pressing, holding and dragging to newlocation• Copy and paste buttons between page or user vocabularies• Prevent unwanted editing by enabling a password to the editingarea• Prevent unwanted repeated tapping of buttons with the “Tap Delay”feature• Includes natural sounding voices (not robotic) in multiplelanguages..OR use the included audio recording function to recordvoices or sounds* Share buttons, pages or entire vocabularies WIRELESSLY with otherTalkTablet users.• Built-in backup and restore feature to safeguard your pages,including our free offsite backup service• Compatible with handheld and tablet devices running Android• An internet connection is NOT required to use TalkTablet. It is a“stand alone” app• Includes toll free telephone technical support and freeupdates….for LIFE• Created by the leader in speech software for over 25years!!********************************************************TalkTablet includes our free TalkTablet Sharing Service whichallows users to share buttons, pages of buttons or entire uservocabularies with other TalkTablet users anywhere in the world.Requires an internet connection.********************************************************Learn more about TalkTablet and view step-by-step video tutorialsat
TalkTablet DEMO
Gus Communication Devices Inc
TalkTablet LITE® let's user experienceTalkTablet before purchasing the speech enabled version. Itincludes all the features found in the retail version. TalkTabletLITE® provides users with an opportunity to experience the ease ofuse, and simplicity of design that has made TalkTablet a worldleader in speech/communication software.TalkTablet LITE (demo version) has the followinglimitations.1. Buttons changes are not saved for subsequent sessions2. Speaks a maximum of 15 times. Restart to speak again.Demo Version now includes speech outputTalkTablet LITE® is a fully-featured symbol/text communicationsolution for people who have difficulty communicating as a resultof autism, aphasia, Down Syndrome, stroke, laryngectomy or anyother condition that affects a persons ability to communicateeffectively.If you need the speech/voice output version, choose "TalkTablet- Speech/AAC".** TalkTablet is the only fully featured AAC speech solutionthat is compatible with Apple iOS, Android and Kindle handheld andtablet devices. **TalkTablet is developed by Gus Communication Devices, a leaderin speech software for over 21 years. First released in 2012,TalkTablet has become the premier, reasonably priced, Augmentativeand Alternative Communication (AAC) solution for children andadults with autism, aphasia, Rett Syndrome, Down syndrome,developmental disabilities, apraxia, stroke, or traumatic braininjury.Simplicity by Design• Select buttons that contain predefined words or phrases• Add random text to phrases using the embedded on-screenkeyboardChoose one of the included vocabularies and start communicatingtoday!• TalkTablet includes NINE (9) SLP designed starter vocabulariesthat offer 16 to 48 buttons/page.OR create a new vocabulary of your own designExpand your pages along with the user's progression• Each grid size (buttons/page) can be increased or decreased atany time to suit your needs• Transition to literacy with word predictionEASY, EASY customization• Add buttons, pages, or new vocabularies in a flash. The mostintuitive AAC app available today.• Choose from over 11,000 included SymbolStix™ symbols, or takephotos with the camera, use photos from your album, or add Googleimages to your buttons• Create unlimited user vocabularies from a single app• Change color, font, borders, backgrounds and more on eachbutton or page• Buttons can be made invisible, dimmed or normal• Move buttons by simply pressing, holding and dragging to newlocation• Copy and paste buttons between page or user vocabularies• Prevent unwanted editing by enabling a password to the editingarea• Prevent unwanted repeated tapping of buttons with the “TapDelay” feature* Share buttons, pages or entire vocabularies WIRELESSLY withother TalkTablet users.• Built-in backup and restore feature to safeguard your pages,including our free offsite backup service• Compatible with handheld and tablet devices runningAndroid• An internet connection is NOT required to use TalkTablet. Itis a “stand alone” app• Includes toll free telephone technical support and freeupdates….for LIFE• Created by the leader in speech software for over 21years!!********************************************************TalkTablet includes our free Gus Global Sharing Service whichallows users to share buttons, pages of buttons or entire uservocabularies with other TalkTablet users anywhere in the world.Requires an internet connection. The LITE (demo) version does notinclude this feature.********************************************************Learn more about TalkTablet and view step-by-step videotutorials at
ShowMeQR - Manager (iBeacon)
ShowMeQR - Manager with support forcompatibleiBeacons.Note: In order to utilize the iBeacon compatibility of thisapp,your device requires Bluetooth 4.0 or newer. If your devicedoesnot have Bluetooth 4.0 (or newer) choose the "ShowMeQR -Manager"app.ShowMeQR is comprised of 2 apps (sold separately).1. ShowMeQR - Manager ($9.99) is used to create andprintproprietary ShowMeQR codes that, when scanned with theShowMeQR -Scanner app (sold separately), displays video and/ortextinstructions for a specific item or location. For example,studentsmay sit in various classrooms throughout the school day. Ateachstation within a classroom, the teacher would place a ShowMeQRcodethat contains the video and text instructions applicable toaspecific task. Students simply scan the code using ShowMeQR onanyhandheld or tablet device to see what tasks are required foreachspecific station. An internet connection is NOT requiredtoopen/view ShowMeQR code content.Note: All ShowMeQR content is stored on dedicated ShowMeQRcloudservers.The standard "Manager" app includes the ability to create two(2)tasks and store their text and video content (up to 500MB ofdata)on our cloud servers for 1 year (renewable). Additional taskcreditscan be purchased from within the app for as little as$1.50each.2. ShowMeQR - Scanner (sold separately- $2.99) is used toscanand view ShowMeQR code content. The "reader" app is intended tobeused by students, clients, patients, employees etc. toreadShowMeQR codes and obtain task specific training and support.TheReader app has a simple interface and is designed for ease ofusewith minimal distractions.ShowMeQR - Manager is the only app that combines HD video,text,and live help and compresses it into a custom, printable,ShowMeQRcode. The codes can then be placed on, or near, any objecttoprovide immediate training and support. The codes can only bereadby the ShowMeQR - Scanner app (sold separately).ShowMeQR - Manager now supports the ability to createuniquecodes for multiple users (eg, students, clients etc.).Therebyproviding a single solution for providing individualizedtask codesfor unlimited clients, students, employees etc.ShowMeQR revolutionizes the way we provide support forstudents,clients, employees or anyone else who requires a littleextrasupport to accomplish their daily tasks. It’s usefulnessextendsto…1. Tasks - ShowMeQR codes can be created to show or explainhowto successfully complete a task at home, work, school or inpublic.For example, a ShowMeQR code attached to a dishwasher couldbe usedto show how to correctly load and operate it.2. Concepts - When placed in text books or instructionmanuals,ShowMeQR can be used to demonstrate specific topics likesolving amathematical equations like 2x - 12 = 1x3. Tangible objects - By attaching a ShowMeQR code directly toanobject, the user has immediate access to importantinstructionsrelative to that object.4. Printed manuals - ShowMeQR codes are a perfect replacementforcommon installation/setup diagrams and printedinstructions.ShowMeQR codes can be printed directly into productmanuals forquick reference.Accept for their general appearance, ShowMeQR codes havenothingin common with common QR (website) codes. ShowMeQR codesarecreated using a patented method developed by GusCommunicationDevices Inc. and developed specifically as individuallearningaids.** ShowMeQR Codes can only be read by the "ShowMeQR -Scanner"app (available separately)
TalkTablet VN Giải pháp giọng
Gus Communication Devices Inc
TalkTablet VN - Speech solutions for autism, aphasia and more